Hi, I’m Sarah!

Wife to Kevin for an entire decade (!), mother of four precious babies (+ one in heaven), birth & postpartum doula, family chef (specializing in postpartum nourishment) and a perinatal educator. We live in a little old farmhouse in Round Hill, VA where the front door is usually wide open, our chickies are grazing somewhere out back, we have dinner growing in the garden when able & in the warmer months every room of the house has a bouquet of flowers picked from the yard. We’ve lived in the city & in the suburbs, in the mountains & in the country and its on our little slice of heaven in Loudoun County living slow & intentionally with all our babies where we feel happiest in this season of life.

I have been on the path of supporting mothers for almost a decade and in that time my work has experienced many rebirths. Through my own matrescence & thoughtfully curated education I have honed in on what I feel I can bring to table to uplift the mothers in my community. I love what I do and I do what I love WELL. I am forever a student, constantly learning through experience and course offerings so that what I offer mothers not only meets expectations of support but far exceeds it. I hold myself to the standard of ensuring every mother I walk alongside feels held, heard, nourished & nurtured. I show up professionally, listen to mothers tenderly, resource families with the community’s BEST providers, educate with the most reliable anecdotal and scientific information & support unconditionally without shame or judgement. I am here to serve you, to amplify your intuition, uplift your values and visions and show you the level of care you are worthy of and deserve.

As a mother, I have birthed many times over in many different ways. Hospital birth, home birth, fully medicated birth, physiological unmedicated birth. I’ve had deeply troubling birth experiences and powerfully blissful experiences. I’ve navigated pregnancy loss & depression and learned the value of intentional self care. My lowest lows taught me my highest worth and its through those dark times I’ve learned that mothers deserve more. We deserve tenderness and grace, good food & strong community. We deserve space to be vulnerable and time to process it all. We deserve to be heard, to be trusted and to have our intuition uplifted. We deserve care that exceeds what our current culture offers and that’s a change I want to be a part of. It’s time to pave the path in a new direction. One that leads mothers from just surviving to confidently and sustainably thriving.

I offer emotional & educational care that helps fill the gaps in the birth system and ensures that you feel empowered, supported & loved.

Support for all mothers.